List pools

"""This examples lists constant product pools created by the factory.
It will not list old pools created before introducing pool factory to the Pact architecture.
Each pool type require using a dedicated factory."""
import pprint

import algosdk
from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient

import pactsdk

private_key = algosdk.mnemonic.to_private_key("<mnemonic>")
address = algosdk.account.address_from_private_key(private_key)

algod = AlgodClient("<token>", "<url>")
pact = pactsdk.PactClient(algod, network="testnet")

factory = pact.get_constant_product_pool_factory()

pool_params = factory.list_pools()

# To fully fetch the pool of choice...
pool = factory.fetch_pool(pool_params[0])
print("Selected pool:")