
Set of utility classes for managing and performing zaps.

class pactsdk.zap.ZapParams(swap_deposited, primary_add_liq, secondary_add_liq)

Bases: object

All amounts that should be used in swap and add liquidity transactions.

swap_deposited: int
primary_add_liq: int
secondary_add_liq: int
pactsdk.zap.get_constant_product_zap_params(liq_a, liq_b, zap_amount, fee_bps, pact_fee_bps)
Return type


pactsdk.zap.get_swap_amount_deposited_from_zapping(zap_amount, total_amount, fee_bps, pact_fee_bps)
Return type


pactsdk.zap.get_secondary_added_liquidity_from_zapping(swap_deposited, total_primary, total_secondary, fee_bps)
Return type


class pactsdk.zap.Zap(pool, asset, amount, slippage_pct)

Bases: object

Zap class represents a zap trade on a particular pool, which allows to exchange single asset for PLP token.

Zap performs a swap to get second asset from the pool and then adds liquidity using both of those assets. Users may be left with some leftovers due to rounding and slippage settings.

Zaps are meant only for Constant Product pools; For Stableswaps, adding only one asset works out of the box.

Typically, users don’t have to manually instantiate this class. Use pactsdk.pool.Pool.prepare_zap() instead.

pool: pactsdk.pool.Pool

The pool the zap is going to be performed in.

asset: pactsdk.asset.Asset

The asset that will be used in zap.

amount: int

Amount to be used in zap.

slippage_pct: float

The maximum amount of slippage allowed in performing the swap.

swap: pactsdk.swap.Swap

The swap object that will be executed during the zap.

liquidity_addition: pactsdk.add_liquidity.LiquidityAddition

Liquidity Addition object that will be executed during the zap.

params: pactsdk.zap.ZapParams

All amounts used in swap and add liquidity transactions.


Creates the transactions needed to perform zap and returns them as a transaction group ready to be signed and committed.


address (str) – The account that will be performing the zap.

Return type



A transaction group that when executed will perform the zap.

Return type

